Louisiana Considers Eliminating Corporate Franchise and Inventory Taxes

Jul 03, 2023 By John Davis

Louisiana is considering a big step to boost economic growth in the state. At the start of August, Louisiana State Treasurer John Schroder proposed eliminating two key taxes corporate franchise and inventory taxes, that have long been a mainstay for businesses operating in the state.

If repealed, this could significantly reduce business costs create new investment opportunities, and ultimately lead to an upswing in job creation in Louisiana. For now, let’s look at exactly how these taxes work and why their removal would benefit businesses throughout Louisiana.

Overview of Why Louisiana is considering eliminating Corporate Franchise and Inventory Taxes

Louisiana is considering a bold move to boost economic growth: eliminating two key taxes - corporate franchise and inventory taxes. These taxes, which have been in place for decades, are responsible for generating significant revenue for the state each year, but they can also be costly to businesses operating within the state's borders.

Eliminating these taxes would reduce operational costs for local businesses by eliminating one of their largest expenses. This could lead to increased investment opportunities and ultimately result in job creation.

It could also encourage more entrepreneurs to shop in Louisiana, creating a unique climate supporting innovation and creativity.

The removal of these taxes would not only benefit businesses directly; it would also benefit consumers through lower prices and greater access to goods and services.

In addition, eliminating these taxes could make Louisiana a more attractive destination for businesses looking to expand or relocate. This could lead to greater job opportunities and economic growth throughout the state.

Overall, removing corporate franchises and inventory tax may be an effective way to encourage economic activity in the state. By reducing business costs and encouraging investment, this move could increase job creation and economic opportunity for all Louisianans.

The state is still debating whether or not to move forward with this plan, but it is clear that if done correctly, it could provide a much-needed boost to Louisiana's economy. It remains to be seen how this will ultimately play out and its impact on businesses and the wider economy. But if implemented, it could be a game-changer for the state's economic future.

Ultimately, Louisiana has an opportunity to create a business environment that encourages job creation and economic growth — and eliminating corporate franchise and inventory taxes may be the answer. It is up to the state to decide whether or not this move is in its best interest, but it could provide many benefits overall.

SB 1's phase-out of corporate franchise taxes and SB 6's rebate reduction for the Quality Jobs Programme

The corporate franchise tax rate in the state would drop from 5.88% to 0.825% under John Schroder's Corporate Franchise Tax Phaseout (SB 1) proposal. Businesses all around Louisiana would have stronger incentives to invest and hire locally thanks to this tax cut, which would improve the business climate.

The Quality Jobs Programme Rebate Reduction (SB 6) is another financial incentive Schroder said would be created for businesses wishing to expand or move their operations within Louisiana. The reimbursement amount for some eligible jobs programmes would drop from 8% to 2% as a result.

Both proposals represent substantial steps towards making Louisiana one of the most competitive states for doing business, and they have been gaining traction with many lawmakers and business leaders.

Eliminating the corporate franchise tax and reducing quality jobs program rebates would benefit many businesses already operating within Louisiana and those looking to move into the state.

It would encourage economic growth by incentivizing businesses to invest in the local economy, creating more job opportunities, and increased wages.

Moreover, it could alleviate some financial stress on households due to high taxes. This could result in an overall increase in consumer spending, essential for driving economic activity.

Eliminating corporate franchise tax and reducing certain quality jobs program rebate amounts could significantly reduce business costs while ushering in new investment opportunities and ultimately creating more jobs throughout Louisiana.

The proposal is an important step towards making the state more competitive and attractive for businesses, a change that could ultimately benefit all of its citizens. It's now up to the legislature to decide whether or not this measure will become law and bring more economic prosperity to Louisiana.

The Industrial Properties Taxes Exemption Programme and the Inventory Tax (SB 2)

The Inventory Tax is a levy on businesses operating in Louisiana that taxes the inventory of goods and materials they keep on-site. Business owners have criticized this tax for years, as it takes up an unnecessary portion of their budget, preventing them from investing in other areas of their operations or hiring more employees.

That's why Treasurer John Schroder proposed eliminating this tax in his plan to boost economic growth in the state. Removing this tax would allow businesses to save money and devote extra resources toward growing their operations and creating new jobs.

In addition to the Inventory Tax, Treasurer Schroder also proposes removing the Industrial Properties Taxes Exemption Program (SB 2), another key levy for businesses operating in Louisiana. This program provides businesses with tax exemptions and credits for qualifying investments in the state.

Removing this program would mean businesses no longer have to navigate complicated application processes and instead can make direct investments into their operations without worrying about reducing their profits due to taxes.

Repealing these two key taxes could open up new opportunities for business owners to create jobs and generate more economic activity in Louisiana.

By eliminating these two outdated taxes, businesses can save money and invest more in their operations, creating greater job opportunities throughout the state. These proposed changes could be a major step forward in boosting economic growth in Louisiana and helping businesses succeed. It remains to be seen if the proposal is approved, but it's certainly an exciting development for business owners in Louisiana.

Ultimately, these taxes have been a mainstay for businesses operating in Louisiana for years, so repealing them could be a big step toward creating new job opportunities and spurring economic growth in the state. It will be interesting to see if Treasurer Schroder's proposal succeeds and if businesses throughout Louisiana can benefit from this potential change. It could be a major game-changer for anyone running a business in Louisiana.


What is the franchise tax in Louisiana 2023?

The current franchise tax rate in Louisiana is 5.88%. This rate is set to be reduced to 0.825% if State Treasurer John Schroder's proposal is approved.

How would repealing corporate Franchise and Inventory taxes benefit businesses in Louisiana?

If repealed, these taxes could significantly reduce business costs while creating new investment opportunities, ultimately leading to an upswing in job creation across the state. This could encourage economic growth by incentivizing businesses to invest more in their operations, creating more job opportunities, and increasing wages for Louisianans.

It could also help alleviate household financial stress due to high taxes, increasing consumer spending.

The Quality Jobs Programme Rebate Reduction (SB 6) is what, exactly?

State Treasurer John Schroder's Quality Jobs Programme reimbursement Reduction (SB 6) would lower the reimbursement amount for some eligible jobs programmes from 8% to 2%. This would add to the financial incentives for businesses wishing to grow or move their operations to Louisiana.


The potential elimination of corporate franchise and inventory taxes in Louisiana could dramatically impact corporate and business activity in the area. SB 1 and 6 aim to gradually phase out corporate franchise taxes, while SB 2 seeks to abolish inventory taxes altogether. This type of reform offers a lot of potential for incentives which could result in greater investment in the state and a strong influx of new businesses.

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